Friday June 24th
VENUE: Pieterskerk, Kloksteeg 16, Leiden |
08:30 - end |
Registration Desk Available |
Session V: |
Techniques and models to assess cerebrovascular function |
Chairs: Danica Stanimirovic (University of Ottawa, CAN) & |
Robert Thorne (New York University School of Medicine, USA)
08:30 - 09:00 |
Danica Stanimirovic (University of Ottawa, CAN) |
Methods to interrogate blood-brain barrier function:in vitro-in vivo paradigms |
09:00 - 09:20 |
Eric Shusta (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) |
Human blood-brain barrier endothelial cells derived from pluripotent stem cells |
09:20 - 09:40 |
Robert Thorne (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) |
Macromolecule transport in the brain |
09:40 - 10:00 |
Klaus Petry (INSERM Bordeaux, FR) |
Imaging blood-brain barrier function in neuroinflammation
10:00 - 10:30 |
Break |
10:30 - 10:45 |
Hadassah Sade (Roche, DE) |
hCMEC/D3 Brain Endothelial Cells as Model System for Transcytosis |
10:45 - 11:00 |
Mehmet Fidanboylu (King's College, UK) |
L-Arginine and ADMA transport across the in vivo murine BBB and the implications for Nitric Oxide regulation and production in health and disease |
11:00 - 11:15 |
Hans Christian Helms (University of Copenhagen, DK) |
Bovine endothelial/rat astrocyte co-cultures cultured in higly buffered media functionally express MDR1 and BCRP |
11:15 - 11:30 |
Andries van der Meer (University of Twente, NL) |
A microfluidic model of the human blood-brain barrier |
11:30 - 11:45 |
William Fauquette (IRBA-CRSSA, FR) |
Biological response of in vitro BBB after microbeam radiation therapy exposure |
11:45 - 12:00 |
Joanna Wisniewska-Kruk (Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, NL) |
Development of a new blood-retina model in vitro |
12:00 - 13:30 |
Lunch and poster viewing |
12:15 - 13:15 |
Business meeting (Organizing and Scientific Committees) |
Selection of CVB 2013 venue |
Session VI: |
Blood-brain barrier alterations in neurological disorders |
[sponsored by MedImmune] |
Chairs: Reina Bendayan (University of Toronto, Canada) &
Alon Friedman (University of Ber-Sheva, IL) |
13:30 - 14:00 |
Alon Friedman (University of Ber-Sheva, IL) |
Blood-brain barrier dysfunction, epileptogenesis and neurodegeneration:
a puzzle of a chicken and eggs? |
14:00 - 14:30
Maurizio Scarpa (University of Padova, IT)
Approaches to cross the blood-brain barrier in lysosomal storage disorders
14:30 - 15:00
Reina Bendayan (University of Toronto, CAN)
Antiretroviral drug transporters and HIV infection of the brain
15:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 15:45 |
Anne Mahringer (Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg, DE) |
Influence of alpha-synuclein on P-glycoprotein at the blood-brain barrier in Parkinson's disease |
15:45 - 16:00 |
Anika Hartz (University of Minnesota, USA) |
Blood-brain barrier P-glycoprotein: a new target for Alzheimer's disease? |
16:00 - 16:15 |
Gul Shah (Saint Louis University, USA) |
Diabetes-induced oxidative damage to mouse blood-brain barrier: Possible protection by carbonic anhydrase inhibition |
16:15 - 16:30 |
Akihiko Urayama (University of Texas Medical School, USA) |
Contribution of circulation amyloid-beta to cerebral pathology of Alzheimer's disease |
16:30 - 16:45 |
Pietra Candela (Université Lille Nord de France, FR) |
Is LRP1 involved in the clearance fo cerebral Aβ peptides? Use of an in vitro BBB model |
16:45 - 17:00 |
Jianming Xiang (University of Michigan, USA)
Protective effects of isothiocyanates on blood-CSF barrier disruption induced by oxidative stress |
17:15 - 18:15
Social Event : City tour of Leiden
19:30 - 22:00
Conference Gala Dinner (Pieterskerk, Kloksteeg 16, Leiden) |